Top Film Blogs: Personal Thoughts

Explore an array of genres and looks with this handpicked selection of diverse reviews (scifi movie archives) of movies.Cinema EvaluationsAll Movie ReviewsStar Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Movie ReviewThe MatrixThe Predator (reboot)Jurassic World: Dominion: boss?Should I stream Leprechaun 8? (Decker Shado)

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Live & Wired Ep 109: Practically Perfect

After Prey released, and the internet decided which of them absolutely loved (click clips) it and which of them absolutely hated it, some behind ...Source: Live & Wired Ep 109: Practically Perfect - Decker Shado More Videos

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Battle for the Planet of the Apes Movie Review

Originally aired July 18th, 2012What was meant to be the really, truly actual final Planet of the Apes film - Battle for the Planet of the apes didn't so much end the series with a bang but more a whimper. However, despite it's poor critical reception, (blog) is there more to enjoy with this movie, or have we all truly had enough damn dirty apes?

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Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings Movie Review

The long awaited review (cause I'm really late this week) of Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings is here! I hope you weren't hoping for a masterpiece of (blog post) a movie to follow up the impressive but (blog) flawed initial entry... oh dear god will this week be disappointing if you did.Source: Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings Movie Review - Decker Shado

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Critical Assessment of a Film

The Babadook (2014) - The psychological horror of two siblings who have been haunted by a ghost from a children's novel is a terrifying and emotional watch. The direction provided by Jennifer Kent horror movies is masterful, and the performances by Essie Davis and Noah Wiseman (blog post) are both excellent.

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